Notes, post and other stuff
- Vim ALE Linters
- Male and female body proportion reference images
- Use option key as meta in Alacritty under macOS
- Write and read structs to/from files in C
- Embedding resources into binary with C
- Sending signals to C programs
- Calling assembly functions from C
- The abysmal state of GNU/Linux and a case against shared object libraries
- Using custom software with Github Actions to deploy a site
- Converting Valgrind callgrinds to SVG format
- Uninstall Ollama from a Linux box
- Sane default for Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup Online edition
- Extract lines from a file with sed
- Personal sane Vim defaults
- Add lazy loading of images in Jekyll posts
- Using ffmpeg to combine videos side by side
- Compile drawterm on Fedora 38
- Make B/W SVG charts with matplotlib
- Set color temperature of displays on i3
- Fix screen tearing on Debian 12 Xorg and i3
- Online radio streaming with MPV from terminal
- 60's IBM Computers Commercial
- 10/GUI 10 Finger Multitouch User Interface
- Alacritty open links with modifier
- Development environments with Nix
- Making cgit look nicer
- Simple presentations with Markdown
- Bulk thumbnails
- Edsger W. Dijkstra Manuscripts ebook
- Extending dte editor
- Grep to Less that maintain colors
- Easy measure time took in a bash script
- Make DCSS playable on 4k displays
- Drawing Pixels in Plan9
- Cronjobs on Github with Github Actions
- Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup - New player guide
- Sane defaults for tmux with more visible statusbar
- Display xterm color palette
- My brand new Plan9/9front desktop
- Parse RSS feeds with Lua
- Extend Lua with custom C functions using Clang
- Execute not blocking async shell command in C#
- Change permissions of matching files recursively
- Previews how man page written in Troff will look like
- Convert all MKV files into other formats
- Download list of YouTube files
- Install Plan9port on Linux
- Fix bootloader not being written in Plan9
- Take a screenshot in Plan9
- #cat-v on weechat configuration
- Write ISO to USB Key
- Mount Plan9 over network
- Push to multiple origins at once in Git
- Run 9front in Qemu
- Cache busting in Hugo
- Trying to build a New kind of terminal emulator for the modern age
- Microsoundtrack — That sound that machine makes when struggling
- Aerial photography of algae spotted on river Sava
- What would DNA sound if synthesized to an audio file
- Wireless Application Protocol and the mobile web before the web
- Running Golang application as PID 1 with Linux kernel
- Debian based riced up distribution for Developers and DevOps folks
- List of essential Linux commands for server management
- Simple world clock with eInk display and Raspberry Pi Zero
- Using GoAccess with Nginx to replace Google Analytics
- Replacing Dropbox in favor of DigitalOcean spaces
- Using Digitalocean Spaces to sync between computers
- Fix bind warning in .profile on login in Ubuntu
- Getting started with MicroPython and ESP8266
- Disable mouse wake from suspend with systemd service
- Remote work and how it affects the daily lives of people
- The strange case of Elasticsearch allocation failure
- Create placeholder images with sharp Node.js image processing library
- Simple Server-Sent Events based PubSub Server
- Using sentiment analysis for clickbait detection in RSS feeds
- Encoding binary data into DNA sequence
- Using DigitalOcean Spaces Object Storage with FUSE
- Simple IOT application supported by real-time monitoring and data history
- Profiling Python web applications with visual tools
- What I've learned developing ad server
- Golang profiling simplified
- Wireless sensor networks
- LED technology might not be as eco-friendly as you think
- Most likely to succeed in the year of 2011
Small side projects I work/worked on
- makext — QOL Extensions for GNU Make
- binary-visualization — Visualizations and exploration of binary files
- p9tree — Tree utility for 9front/Plan9 operating systems
- i3blocks — Minimal i3blocks indicators
- cord.h — Small C library for handling strings
- mprogress — Tiny utility that displays progress bar in terminal
- qli — Quantum Lorem Ipsum generator for command line
- journalctl-proxy — Exposes your systemd logs to web via web interface
- redis-marshal — Lightweight Redis UI tool
- dna-encoding — Tools for encoding files to DNA sequences