Convert all MKV files into other formats
You will need ffmpeg
installed on your system. This will convert all MKV files
into WebM format.
# Convert all MKV files into WebM format.
find ./ -name '*.mkv' -exec bash -c 'ffmpeg -i "$0" -vcodec libvpx -acodec libvorbis -cpu-used 5 -threads 8 "${0%%.mp4}.webm"' {} \;
# Convert all MKV files into MP4 format.
find ./ -name '*.mkv' -exec bash -c 'ffmpeg -i "$0" c:a copy -c:v copy -cpu-used 5 -threads 8 "${0%%.mp4}.mp4"' {} \;
Other notes
- Uninstall Ollama from a Linux box
- c Embedding resources into binary with C
- Convert all MKV files into other formats
- 60's IBM Computers Commercial
- 10/GUI 10 Finger Multitouch User Interface
- plan9 Compile drawterm on Fedora 38
- Easy measure time took in a bash script
- plan9 Drawing Pixels in Plan9
- c Sending signals to C programs
- Using ffmpeg to combine videos side by side
- plan9 Install Plan9port on Linux
- dcss Sane default for Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup Online edition
- Extract lines from a file with sed
- Cache busting in Hugo