Sane defaults for tmux with more visible statusbar
# Remap prefix from 'C-b' to 'M-a'.
unbind C-b
set-option -g prefix M-a
bind-key M-a send-prefix
# Split panes using | and -.
bind | split-window -h
bind - split-window -v
unbind '"'
unbind %
# Start counting windows with 1.
set-option -g allow-rename on
set -g base-index 1
setw -g pane-base-index 1
# Statusbar: purple bg and white fg.
set -g status-bg '#480b8e'
set -g status-fg '#ffffff'
# Active window: black bg and white fg.
set -g window-status-current-format "#[fg=#ffffff]#[bg=#111111]#[fg=#ffffff]#[bg=#111111] #I:#W #[fg=#ffffff]#[bg=#111111]"
# Disable mouse mode (tmux 2.1 and above).
set -g mouse off
Other notes
- Write ISO to USB Key
- Making cgit look nicer
- 60's IBM Computers Commercial
- Convert all MKV files into other formats
- Online radio streaming with MPV from terminal
- Cache busting in Hugo
- Fix screen tearing on Debian 12 Xorg and i3
- #cat-v on weechat configuration
- Simple presentations with Markdown
- dcss Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup - New player guide
- Push to multiple origins at once in Git
- Alacritty open links with modifier
- Aerial photography of algae spotted on river Sava
- dcss Sane default for Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup Online edition
- plan9 Run 9front in Qemu