Cache busting in Hugo
\{\{ $cachebuster := delimit (shuffle (split (md5 "6fab11c6669976d759d2992eff1dd5be") "" )) "" \}\}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/style.css?v=\{\{ $cachebuster \}\}">
This 6fab11c6669976d759d2992eff1dd5be
can be random string you generate use.
You can use whatever you want.
Other notes
- Extending dte editor
- plan9 Mount Plan9 over network
- plan9 Fix bootloader not being written in Plan9
- Display xterm color palette
- Easy measure time took in a bash script
- plan9 Run 9front in Qemu
- Alacritty open links with modifier
- Parse RSS feeds with Lua
- Sane defaults for tmux with more visible statusbar
- plan9 Compile drawterm on Fedora 38
- c Sending signals to C programs
- Uninstall Ollama from a Linux box
- Simple presentations with Markdown
- Making cgit look nicer
- c Write and read structs to/from files in C