Download list of YouTube files
If you need to download a list of YouTube videos and don't want to download the
actual YouTube list (which yt-dlp
supports), you can use the following method.
// Used to get list of raw URL's from YouTube's video tab'.
// Copy them into videos.txt.
document.querySelectorAll('#contents').forEach(el => console.log(el.href))
Download and install
# This will download all videos in videos.txt.
yt-dlp --batch-file videos.txt -N `nproc` -f webm
Other notes
- Easy measure time took in a bash script
- Cache busting in Hugo
- Development environments with Nix
- Alacritty open links with modifier
- Parse RSS feeds with Lua
- Making cgit look nicer
- plan9 Install Plan9port on Linux
- Simple presentations with Markdown
- Aerial photography of algae spotted on river Sava
- Extending dte editor
- Previews how man page written in Troff will look like
- Make B/W SVG charts with matplotlib
- 10/GUI 10 Finger Multitouch User Interface
- Convert all MKV files into other formats
- c Write and read structs to/from files in C