60's IBM Computers Commercial
Likely aired during an hour-long program during the 1960s, long commercials such as this typically aired during hour-long programs. They would not have aired during a half-hour program.
Other notes
- Edsger W. Dijkstra Manuscripts ebook
- c Sending signals to C programs
- Simple presentations with Markdown
- dcss Make DCSS playable on 4k displays
- Extract lines from a file with sed
- 60's IBM Computers Commercial
- plan9 Run 9front in Qemu
- plan9 Install Plan9port on Linux
- Add lazy loading of images in Jekyll posts
- Cache busting in Hugo
- Making cgit look nicer
- Display xterm color palette
- Easy measure time took in a bash script
- Fix screen tearing on Debian 12 Xorg and i3
- plan9 Take a screenshot in Plan9