60's IBM Computers Commercial
Likely aired during an hour-long program during the 1960s, long commercials such as this typically aired during hour-long programs. They would not have aired during a half-hour program.
Other notes
- Write ISO to USB Key
- c Write and read structs to/from files in C
- Use option key as meta in Alacritty under macOS
- Using ffmpeg to combine videos side by side
- Fix screen tearing on Debian 12 Xorg and i3
- Simple presentations with Markdown
- Execute not blocking async shell command in C#
- plan9 My brand new Plan9/9front desktop
- Convert all MKV files into other formats
- Uninstall Ollama from a Linux box
- Extract lines from a file with sed
- plan9 Fix bootloader not being written in Plan9
- Parse RSS feeds with Lua
- Bulk thumbnails