Trying to build a New kind of terminal emulator for the modern age
Over the past few weeks, I have been really thinking about terminal emulators,
how we interact with computers, the separation of text-based programs and GUI
ones. To be perfectly honest, I got pissed off one evening when I was cleaning
up files on my computer. Normally, I go into console and do ncdu
and check
where the junk is. Then I start deleting stuff. Without any discrimination,
usually. But when it comes to screenshots, I have learned that it's good to keep
them somewhere near if I need to refer to something that I was doing. I am an
avid screenshot taker. So at that point I checked Pictures folder and also did a
basic search find . -type f -name "*.jpg"
for all the JPEG files in my home
directory and immediately got pissed off. Why can’t I see thumbnails in my
terminal? I know why, but why in the year of 2022 this is still a problem. I am
used to traversing my disk via terminal. I am faster, and I am more comfortable
this way. But when it comes to visualization, I then need to revert to GUI
applications and again find the same file to see it. I know that programs like
and sxiv
are available, but I would just like to see the preview. Like
Jupyter notebook or something similar. Just having it
inline. Part of a result.
It also didn’t help that I was spending some time with the Plan 9 Operating system. More specifically 9FRONT. The way that ACME editor handles text editing is just wonderful. Different and fresh somehow, even though it’s super old.
So, I went on a lookout for an interesting way of visualizing results of some query. I found these applications to be outstanding examples of how not to be a captive of a predetermined way of doing things.
My idea is not as out there as ACME is, but it is a spin on the terminal
emulators. I like the modes that Vi/Vim provides you with. I like the way the
Emacs does its own M-x
. Furthermore, I really like how Mathematica and
Jupyter present the data in a free flowing form. And I love how Temple OS is
basically a C interpreter on some level.
Note: This is part 1 of the journey. Nowhere finished yet. I am just tinkering with this at the moment. This whole thing can easily spectacularly fail.
So I started. I knew that I wanted to have the couple of modes, but I didn’t like the repetition of keystrokes, so the only option was to have some sort of toggle and indicate to the user that they are in a special mode. Like Vi does for Normal and Visual mode.
These modes would for the first version be:
- Preview mode (toggle with Ctrl + P)
- When this mode would be enabled, the
command would try to find images from the results and display thumbnails from them in the terminal itself. No ASCII art. Proper images. In a grid!
- When this mode would be enabled, the
- Detach mode (toggle with Ctrl + D)
- When this mode would be enabled, every command would open a new window
and execute that command in it. This would be useful for starting
in a separate window.
- When this mode would be enabled, every command would open a new window
and execute that command in it. This would be useful for starting
The reason for having these modes togglable is to not ask for previews every time. You enable a mode and until you disable it, it behaves that way. Purely out of ergonomic reasons.
I would like to treat every terminal I open as a session mentally. When I start using the terminal, I start digging deeper into the issue I am trying to resolve. And while I am doing this, I would like to open detached windows etc. A lot of these things can be done easily with something like i3, but also that pull you out of the context of what you were doing. I would like to orchestrate everything from one single point.
In planning for this project, I knew that I would need to use a language like C and a library such as SDL2 in order to achieve the desired results. I had considered other options, but ultimately determined that SDL2 was the best fit based on its capabilities and reputation in the programming community.
At first, I thought the idea of a hardware accelerated terminal was a bit of a joke. It seemed like such a niche and unnecessary feature, especially given the fact that terminal emulators have been around for decades and have always relied on software rendering. But to be fair, Alacritty is doing the same thing. Well, they are doing a remarkable job at it.
So, I embarked on a journey. Everything has to start somewhere. For me, it started with creating a window! It has to start somewhere. 🙂
// Oh, Hi Mark!
// Create the window, obviously.
SDL_Window *window = SDL_CreateWindow(
I continued like this to get some text displayed on the screen.
I noted that
rendered text really poorly. There were no antialiasing at all. In my wisdom, I
never checked the documentation. Well, that was a fail. To uneducated like me:
renders Latin1 text at fast quality to a new 8-bit
surface. So, that's why the texts looked like shit. No wonder.
Remarks on TTF_RenderText_Solid
: This function will allocate a new 8-bit,
palettized surface. The surface's 0 pixel will be the colorkey, giving a
transparent background. The 1 pixel will be set to the text color.
After I replaced it with
renders Latin1 text at LCD subpixel quality to a new ARGB surface, the text
started looking good. Really make sure you read the documentation. It’s actually
good. As a side note, you can find all the documentation regarding SDL2 on
their Wiki.
After that was done, I started working on displaying other things like Preview
and Detach
modes. This wasn’t really that hard. In SDL2 you can check all the
available events with while (SDL_PollEvent(&event) > 0)
and have a bunch of
switch statements to determine which key is currently being pressed. More about
keys, SDLKey and mroe about
pooling the events on
while (SDL_PollEvent(&event) > 0)
switch (event.type)
case SDL_QUIT:
running = false;
if (!meta_key_pressed)
strncat(input_prompt_text, event.text.text, 1);
update_input_prompt = true;
After that was somewhat working correctly, I started creating a struct that would hold all the commands and results and I call them Cells. Yes, I stole that naming idea from Jupyter.
typedef struct
char *command;
char *result;
SDL_Surface *surface;
SDL_Texture *texture;
SDL_Rect rect;
} Cell;
I am at a place now where I am starting to implement scrolling. This will for sure be fun to code. Memory management in C is super easy. 😂
I have also added a simple INI file like configuration support. It is done in an STB style of header and maps to specific options supported by the terminal. It is not universal, and the code below demonstrates how I will use it in the future.
#ifndef CONFIG_H
#define CONFIG_H
# This is a comment
# This is the first configuration option
# This is the second configuration option
# This is the third configuration option
// Define a struct to hold the configuration options
typedef struct
char dettach[256];
char preview[256];
char debug[256];
} Config;
// Read the configuration file and return the options as a struct
extern Config read_config_file(const char *filename)
// Create a struct to hold the configuration options
Config config = {0};
// Open the configuration file
FILE *file = fopen(filename, "r");
// Read each line from the file
char line[256];
while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), file))
// Check if this line is a comment or empty
if (line[0] == '#' || line[0] == '\n')
// Parse the line to get the option and value
char option[128], value[128];
if (sscanf(line, "%[^=]=%s", option, value) != 2)
// Set the value of the appropriate option in the config struct
if (strcmp(option, "dettach") == 0)
strncpy(config.option1, value, sizeof(config.option1));
else if (strcmp(option, "preview") == 0)
strncpy(config.option2, value, sizeof(config.option2));
else if (strcmp(option, "debug") == 0)
strncpy(config.option3, value, sizeof(config.option3));
// Close the configuration file
// Return the configuration options
return config;
This is as far as I managed to get for now. I have a daily job and this prohibits me to work on these things full time. But I should probably get back and finish this. At least have a simple version working out, so I can start testing it on my machines. Fingers crossed. 🕵️♂️